Do You Have A Selling Face?

Many marketing experts
suggest using photos
of ourselves
when promoting our products.
They claim
prospective customers
like to see
who they are buying from

These marketing experts
are usually good looking.

Client K specializes
in delivering the harsh truths
and a harsh truth
some of us
(myself included)
don’t have faces
that would sell products.

We might,
in reality,
have faces
that would STOP prospects
from buying our products.

And that’s okay
as long as we know this.

I’ve sold a LOT
of romance novels
and my face isn’t anywhere
on the internet.

Having our faces
associated with our businesses
isn’t necessary
for success.

Get an honest opinion
from someone you trust
about this.

Give that person
a choice between
your face
a logo/another photo
to represent your company.

If they choose
the logo/other photo,
separate your appearance
from your business.

Not all faces
sell products/services.

It is okay
to stay behind the scenes.