There Are Always Exceptions

I was told
I absolutely couldn’t participate
in an event.

I didn’t qualify.
The event was full.
There were no exceptions.

Except there are ALWAYS exceptions
and yes, when I talked
to the correct person,
I became one of the exceptions.

There are ALWAYS exceptions

If you really want
to be the exception,
continue asking,
continue pushing
until you achieve that goal.

There Is Always An Exception

A couple years ago,
I decided
not to argue with people.

I state my stance
and, if…when
the other person states
an opposite stance,
I nod,
tell them I hear them.

If their stance is interesting,
I ask them questions about it.
If it doesn’t interest me,
I move onto another topic.

And I don’t ever return
to that topic with them.
I’ve heard their thoughts.
I don’t need to revisit that.

This has made my life
SO much more peaceful.
It has reduced my stress
and I think it has improved
my relationships with others.

There’s one exception
– one of my good friends
ALWAYS offers an opposing stance.
If I say the sky is blue,
she’ll say it is greenish blue.

We’re running out of topics
to talk about.

Before my no argument policy,
I didn’t realize
she was so perverse.
She LIKES to argue.

If I want to continue
spending time with her,
I’ll either have to
continuously come up with
new topics for conversation
I will have to break my rules
for her.

There is always an exception
for every rule.
When you set rules,
think about how you will deal
with that exception.