Keeping A Needed Job In The Era Of Social Media

A buddy got fired
from a much needed job
because she posted
under her own name
on social media
about Gaza.

This happens.
Quite often.

Most companies
have slipped
into their employment contracts
clauses stating
if you portray them
in a bad light
that can be grounds
for being fired.

This can impact you
before you’re hired.

Many managers
scour social media
for their job candidates’ accounts
looking for a reason
to disqualify them
from the job search.

They’re looking for stances or beliefs
they don’t agree with,
for photos
they don’t want representing
their companies,
for, heck, any mention
of the job search,
and many other things.

I don’t have a social media account
under my real name
for this and other reasons.
I also don’t have photos of me
attached to my social media accounts
(due to facial recognition software).

If you do have a social media account
under your real name,
know that you can be fired
or targeted for anything
you post.

Weigh the risks
before you post.