The Hidden Costs Of The Job

A loved one is a high level salesperson.
He deals with executives
and often drives them
to and from dinners
and other events.

He can’t do that
in a Hyundai Accent.

He has to drive
a luxury sedan,
something that executives
will feel comfortable spending time in.

That’s a hidden ‘cost’
of his job.

Another loved one
is a marketing executive
for a cosmetics company.
She is constantly elevated,
on stage
making presentations.

Quality shoes,
for her,
aren’t a luxury.
They’re a requirement.
EVERYONE looks at her shoes.

They are a hidden ‘cost’
of her job.

Before you accept a job,
uncover the hidden costs
that come with it.

Ensure the increase in salary
more than compensates
for the increase in costs.