Don’t Take Advice From People Who Haven’t Figured It Out For Themselves

A loved one
gives me advice
on health and fitness topics.

I listen to him.
But I’m always skeptical
about his advice.


Because he’s in
terrible health.

And those health problems
are mostly
due to his choices.

There are
plenty of people
who are in great health
giving advice.

I use my limited time
to investigate THEIR advice.

Don’t take advice
from people
who haven’t figured out
the topic of that advice
for themselves.

Take The Advice That Makes Sense For You

I posted recently
about trusting customers
to know their own situations.

We are our own customers.
And we should trust ourselves
to know our own situations

That means only taking
the advice
that makes sense for us
and for our businesses.

I know, for example,
that I wouldn’t feel proud
of an AI-generated cover.

And if I don’t feel proud
of my products,
I also don’t promote them

I wouldn’t sell sh*t.

That advice
doesn’t work for me
I ignore it.

Only take advice
that makes sense
for you
and your unique situation.

(And yes,
that includes advice
found here on client k.)

Watch What Leaders Do

The WHO quietly upgraded
all their ventilation systems
in 2020
while proclaiming to the world
COVID wasn’t airborne.

They KNEW it was airborne.

(Now, they’re claiming
they couldn’t say that
because the entire world
couldn’t upgrade their ventilation systems
and having only wealthy countries
do that
wouldn’t be ‘fair.’)

Leaders lie.
They lie constantly.

Their words,
their advice
often has very little meaning.

There’s a meme
floating around the internet
that when leaders say
not to panic,
that is when we should panic.

That meme isn’t a joke.
It is reality.

Watch what leaders DO.
Are they quietly taking action?
Take that same action.

‘Cause we know
they’ll save their own lives,
guard their own cash,
protect their own businesses

Watch what leaders do.

Thanking Others

I spent the weekend
with two loved ones
– an older loved one
and the younger loved one
who voluntarily takes care of her.

The extremely bitter
older loved one
didn’t say thank you
to the younger loved one
at all,
not once
during the entire weekend.

I was shocked
by the lack of gratitude.
And I told her that.

She said
if she said thank you
every time
he did something for her,
she’d be saying thank you
all the time.

I told her
yes, that’s what
she SHOULD be doing.
If he takes the time
to help her,
she should at least
take the time
to say two words in return.

Saying thank you
does a number of things.

It makes the other person
feel appreciated.
That alone is worth
uttering those two words.

But it also reminds us
that the other person
didn’t have to take
that action.
They could have ignored us
and walked away.
That’s ALWAYS an option.

It builds gratitude
within us
and gratitude
is the key to happiness.

Yep, we often increase our own joy
by thanking others,
by uttering those two short words.

Say thank you..
for the other person
and for yourself.