A Super El Niño Is Coming

Scientists are discussing
what month it will arrive
but almost all of them are agreed
– a Super El Niño is coming.

This means temperatures
will likely increase
will likely decrease.


When you’re planning events,
you might not want
to plan for them
to be held outside.

You might wish to install
shade on the patios
if you operate a restaurant.

You might wish to ensure
the air conditioning is functional
on your delivery vehicles
and in your buildings.

You might wish to increase
the water and other beverage budget
for your office.

Hey, cooled bottles of water
might be a good giveaway
at events.

A Super El Niño is coming.
Prepare for it.

Listen To The Warnings

A buddy
called me a doomer
a couple of days ago.
He said
he didn’t want to hear
any more negativity.

That’s fine.
I prefer not to talk
about possible challenges.
I would rather
talk about TV shows
and other trivial topics.

I shared those insights
because I’d feel guilty
if his already struggling business
or he and his family suffered hardships
because I HADN’T warned him.

No one wants to tell you
bad news.
It is a total bummer
for the messenger.

We tell you bad news
because we care about you,
because we feel
you should know about it.

You don’t have to act on
these warnings.
But, at the very least,
listen to them.

It is a communication
of caring.