Listen To The Warnings

A buddy
called me a doomer
a couple of days ago.
He said
he didn’t want to hear
any more negativity.

That’s fine.
I prefer not to talk
about possible challenges.
I would rather
talk about TV shows
and other trivial topics.

I shared those insights
because I’d feel guilty
if his already struggling business
or he and his family suffered hardships
because I HADN’T warned him.

No one wants to tell you
bad news.
It is a total bummer
for the messenger.

We tell you bad news
because we care about you,
because we feel
you should know about it.

You don’t have to act on
these warnings.
But, at the very least,
listen to them.

It is a communication
of caring.

Before You Defend Someone

Someone posts a warning
about how a popular person
is truly a terrible person.

Other people jump all over
the poster,
telling her she’s full of sh*t
and is merely a hater.

Then, usually within days,
that popular person
says or does something
that confirms
the warning,
that shows everyone
they ARE a terrible person.

This happens so often
it is almost a cliché.
I WAIT for the reveal.

And then
I wait for
these same defenders
to defend
the next terrible person.

Before you defend someone,
ensure you know,
you TRULY know
they’re innocent.

Because if they’re not innocent,
at best,
you’ll look like
a dumba$$
who can’t be trusted.

At worst,
people will assume
you’re also guilty
of whatever the person
you defended
has said or done.