Not Everything Has To Be Broadcast

I donate a portion
of my book sales
to planting trees.

I don’t talk about this.


Because some of my readers
won’t like that I’m donating
to that specific cause.

Because many of my readers
will think,
because I donate to charity,
I don’t need or value
book sales
and my books will then
be heavily pirated.

But mostly because
it won’t increase my joy
by sharing this information.
And there’s a very real possibility
posting about it
on social media
will decrease my happiness,
will demolish my good feelings
around these donations.

Not everything we do
has to be broadcast.

We should assume
people, if they dig,
will eventually find information out,
but we don’t have to shove
that information
in front of their faces.
We don’t have to make it
impossible to ignore.

If publicity around an act
won’t help you or others,
consider saying nothing about it.