Give Yourself Treats

Yes, for many of us,
this is our busiest time.

And yes, it is tempting
to work 24/7
without breaks,
without rewards.

But we NEED rewards.
We need,
at the very least,
5 minute breaks.
We need sleep.

Or we’ll break down.
We’ll quit.
We’ll become ill.

Reward yourself today.

This could be a bowl of berries
a 5 minute walk outside
a nap
something else.

Rewards will keep you

One Month To Go

There is one month
until Christmas.

Many of us,
myself included,
do most of their sales
in this specific month.

That is exciting
but all the work
associated with those sales
can also be tiring.

Know that
this busy time lasts
for only a short time
and that short time
is almost over.

Know that
you can do this.

Know that
I’m cheering for you,
for all of us.

This is the home stretch.
We’ve got this!

The Tasks That Give You Joy

I love fresh writing.
That is my favorite part
of the Romance Novel Business.

So I try to do
at least a little bit
of fresh writing
every day.

There are plenty of tasks
we have to do
each day as business builders.
It is necessary work
and it has to be completed.

But try to set aside
a few minutes,
it could be 15 minutes,
to do a task
that gives you joy.

That will remind you
WHY you’re building
that specific business
it will give you energy
for the other
not-as-enjoyable tasks.

Do a fun task
every day.

Have Some Fun With Your Business

A business building buddy
inserts a strip of paper
with a very bad child-friendly joke
into every shipment
of her products.

She grins every time
she does this.
It gives her joy.

It also gives
some of her customers joy.
But that isn’t the primary purpose.
The primary purpose
is it makes my friend happy.

And happy business builders
continue to build businesses.

Add some joy
to your work day.
That happiness
might be the burst of energy
you need.

The Last Big Push

December 25th is
a holiday for many people.

December 24th
is often
either a half day
or a full day off
(due to it falling on a Sunday
this year).

Today is the last big push
for many of us
before the holidays.

Send those messages.
Help your last minute
Motivate your employees
and partners.

We can do this!

Staying Informed In A Time Of Horrors

A loved one is extremely sensitive
to images of people suffering.

Images of people suffering
are blasted all over social media
right now.
They dominate news coverage.

This loved one wants to avoid
all that
yet he still wants to
be informed
about the things happening
in the world.

So I give him that update.
I spend time on social media
promoting my books
(selling products)
and I see it
(whether I want to or not).

He asks me
what is going on
(when that works for him).
I give him the highlights.
He then returns to working
on his project.

Figure out a way
of staying informed
that works for you

YOU are in control
of how you consume the news.

Display Your Why

Building a business
can be extremely challenging
at times.

Things go wrong.
We sacrifice other things
like watching TV
or spending time with loved ones

Many of us,
every so often,
WHY we’re doing this.

One thing
that has really helped me
during times of doubt
is having my WHY
highly visible.

I write my WHY
on the top of my calendar.

Some buddies
send themselves
digital reminders
about their WHYs.

Some buddies print
their WHY on posters
and hang these posters
in their offices.

Display your WHY.

Remind yourself
why you’re working hard.

Stay motivated.