The Tasks That Give You Joy

I love fresh writing.
That is my favorite part
of the Romance Novel Business.

So I try to do
at least a little bit
of fresh writing
every day.

There are plenty of tasks
we have to do
each day as business builders.
It is necessary work
and it has to be completed.

But try to set aside
a few minutes,
it could be 15 minutes,
to do a task
that gives you joy.

That will remind you
WHY you’re building
that specific business
it will give you energy
for the other
not-as-enjoyable tasks.

Do a fun task
every day.

Take Action On Your 2024 Goals

It is 9 days
into 2024.

If you haven’t yet
taken action
on at least one of your goals,
do that today.

If it is a smaller goal,
completing it.

If it is a larger goal,
take the first step.

You set these goals
because they are important
to you.

Even if they are fun goals,
they are fun goals
you want to reach.

Take action on at least
one of those goals

Spite Is A Valid Motivator

Every time
one of my writing buddies
a book release,
she says,
“Take that Professor” X
“You said I would never
be a writer.
You can suck a$$
because look at me now.”

And then she laughs.

She is fueled
by pure spite.

it works for her.

I once received
a review
that said
my action-packed romance
had too much sex in it.

I crammed the next story
with as many sex scenes
as I could fit into
the plot
BECAUSE of that review.

And that sex-filled story
sold VERY well.

Spite is a valid motivator.
Embrace it!