Setting Fun And Small 2024 Goals

Many of us
are setting goals
for next year.

We’re focusing
on the huge
life or business changing goals.

But we should remember
the little goals also.
The goals that are easily achievable.
Goals like
spending one meal a week
with family or friends
going meat-free
for one meal a week
learning how
to change a tire.

And remember the fun goals.
Because life SHOULD be fun.
Goals like
telling one bad joke a week
learning one TikTok dance
a month
having one movie night
a month
with family or friends.

These type of goals
add value to our lives
when we achieve them,
they motivate us
to achieve larger or more serious goals.

Add some fun and small goals
to your list!

Take Action Today

I haven’t posted
one of these reminders
in a while
but it is needed more
than on any other day
in the past.

Take action NOW.
Stop reading this post
Do something immediately
to make
your dreams,
your goals
more of a reality.

I’m serious.
Do it right now.

It doesn’t have
to be a big action.

It could be
writing down the first line
of the novel
you’ve been wanting to write
choosing the cap color
on the new beverage
you want to develop.

Take SOME sort of action.

The world is completely
f*cked up
and it will become
more and more
f*cked up
with each passing day.

We don’t have time
to f*ck around.

Live a life
with no regrets.

Take action today.

Push your dreams
closer to reality.