Direct Contact With Customers

One of the challenges
with working with
large resellers
like Amazon
is we, as business owners,
have little direct contact
with those customers.

We don’t have access
to their email addresses
or their phone numbers
or who they are.

If we part ways
with that reseller,
we part ways
with that customer.

I recently purchased a product
from Amazon.

Inside the product’s packaging
was a card
that offered me
a free add-on product
if I emailed them
and gave them ‘honest’ feedback
on the product.

I emailed them
because… why not?

They captured
all my contact information.
They now have
direct access to me.

I became
THEIR customer,
not merely Amazon’s customer.

All for the price
of a $10 at retail
add-on product.

There ARE ways
to gather the contact information
of customers
at resellers.

Consider implementing
one of those ways.

Convert that customer
into YOUR customer.