Building Businesses And The Attack On Women’s Rights

The potential overturning of Roe v Wade
in the U.S.
is yet another step toward
taking away ALL rights for women.

That is clearly the end goal.

This isn’t about religion
or saving babies.

They targeted abortion
because they thought
that was the easiest right
to take away first.
Taking away this right
will set a precedent
and make it easier
to take away other rights.

This is about seizing power,
about ensuring women
can’t vote,
can’t have a say

Fight this.
Fight this
with all the energy you have.

It will mean
the difference between
living or dying.
Not only now
but in the future.

With climate change happening
exponentially faster,
for example,
resources will soon become
extremely limited.
Groups of people
who don’t have power (votes)
won’t be allocated
sufficient resources.

It will also, of course,
be impossible,
as a woman,
to build a business
under such a regime.

Our options will be extremely limited
and who the f*ck wants that?

Fight like your life depends upon it.

Because it does.