Fighting The Inevitable

Many writers,
at the moment,
are fighting the use of
for writing, cover art, editing.

I often ask them
what their plan is
for when AI
is the norm.

They say
it will never be
the norm.
They plan to always
fight it.

They WILL lose
that fight.

Heck, they’re losing
that fight
Major publishers
are already contracting
AI-written stories.

Fighting the inevitable
has some merit.
It can delay
that inevitable
and allow us time
to craft plans
for dealing with it.

But the inevitable
WILL happen.
Prepare for it.

When A Big Market Evaporates

There is talk
about banning Romance Novels
in some areas
of the U.S.

There’s more than talk
Some areas of the U.S.
have already banned
Romance Novels
with Male/Male, Female/Female,
and other non Male/Female
relationship constructs.

The U.S. is my biggest,
by far,
market for my Romance Novels.
It consists of
80% of that income.

I have attempted
to build the income
in the other countries
but haven’t been very successful
at that.

If I lose the U.S. market,
it won’t make financial sense
to continue publishing Romance Novels.

I’m planning for that

If your largest market
evaporates tomorrow,
what would you do?

Is there some way
to mitigate that risk?