Hinting At Products To Come

One of my favorite things
to do
as someone running
a Romance Novel Business
hint at products to come.

I love casually mentioning
a character in a previous story
or a blog post,
for example,
and then
responding to readers (customers)
who suggest
I should write that character’s story.

I tell them
that’s a great idea.
And months later,
I publish that character’s story.

That makes readers happy.
They are super invested
in that story
because it was ‘their idea.’

They don’t know
I planted that idea
in their brains
and that this was so successful
hundreds of readers (customers)
also messaged me
with the same suggestion.

Hint at products and services
to come.

Get your prospects and existing customers
invested in those ideas.

When Two Major Schedule Disasters Happen

My editor is struggling
with the impacts of COVID.
She told me
it would take her
4 times as long
to edit my next release.

That’s okay.
I factor in time
for one major ‘disaster’
into my release schedule.

After taking a month
instead of a week
to look at first rounds
of edits,
my editor told me
the story
wasn’t working for her.

I have to do
major, burn the story
to the ground

That’s an even BIGGER
scheduling disaster.

I didn’t have
TWO major scheduling disasters
built into my timeline.

And I should have that
factored in
because the world
is completely f*cked up
right now.
The odds of
two major scheduling disasters
is high.

Schedule for two
major disruptions
to your product development