You Should Admire Your Mentor’s Strategies

A buddy was complaining
about her mentor.

I asked her
if there was anything
she admired
about her mentor.

She struggled
to come up with an answer,
finally saying
her mentor was successful.

I then asked her
if she would want to achieve success
using her mentor’s strategies.

She admitted
she thought her mentor’s strategies
were unethical.

We are heavily influenced
by our mentors.
That’s one of the reasons
we partner with them.

Ensure you admire
your mentor’s strategies.

Those strategies
are likely to become

Cardi B, Patti LaBelle And Visible Mentorship

Mentorship is often
a private relationship.
We don’t usually see
who is mentoring who.

One of the many things
I love about the holiday season
is the passing on
of knowledge
from established singers
to up and coming stars
(and often vice versa)
is much more visible.

We see Patti LaBelle spending time
with Cardi B.
We see Elton John spending time
with Ed Sheeran.
We see Mariah Carey spending time
with Ariana Grande and Jennifer Hudson.

And we know
knowledge is being shared.
Businesses are being
The odds of lasting success
are being increased.

Consider spending time
(in person or online)
with people
you respect
and admire.

You and your business
should benefit
from that experience.