Just Ask

I was concerned
someone was angry
with me.

I tried to ignore
that feeling.
It wouldn’t go away.

So I asked,
“Are you upset
with me?”

The person was shocked,
said definitely not
and opened up
about an issue
that was bothering them.

If you’re worried about something,
Clear the air.
Get the truth out there.

if your concern
was valid,
deal with it.

If your concern
wasn’t valid,
put that worry behind you.

Go Outside

More and more countries
are joining the
50C/122F club,
enduring heat
that prevents people
from going outside
for a long period of time.

We also hear about natural disasters
every dang day.

If your weather is nice
and the air is clear,
go outside.

Many of your business building activities
don’t have to stop.

You can return messages
and make calls
and look at budgets outside.

While you do that,
you might see a butterfly
wiggle your toes in the grass
feel the sun’s rays on your face.

Enjoy that
while we still can.

Focus On One

The holiday season
can be hectic.
It can overwhelm
many business builders.

When I’m overwhelmed,
I focus
on one thing.

I focus on one task,
one customer,
one project.

When that one thing is tackled,
I celebrate that win.

I then tackle
the next task,
the next customer,
the next project.

Until I feel capable
of tackling multiple issues
at once.

Getting sh*t done,
even if it is one small thing,
calms me.
That win
rebuilds my confidence.

Which allows me to
tackle other sh*t.

Focus on one.