Changes Take Resources

Many companies
are reinstating mask mandates
due to COVID.

They are spending time
and resources
to reinstate these mandates.

As they spent time
and resources
to remove these mandates.

A couple months from now,
I suspect they will
spend time
and resources
to remove them again.

And then a few months later,
they’ll spend time
and resources to reinforce
the mandates again.

Until the vaccines arrive
that stop the spread of COVID
(which ARE in development),
COVID isn’t going anywhere.

Save time and money
and keep the mask mandates.

Change distracts

And mask mandates send
a signal
you care about your employees.

The Pandemic WILL End

I heard some rumors
that vaccines with the ability
to block COVID completely
are in exciting stages
of development.

Right now, COVID vaccines
mostly just decrease
the severity of COVID.
We still suffer organ damage.
We still risk Long COVID.
We still infect other people.

These new vaccines
will address all those issues.

Which means…
the pandemic WILL end
sometime in the future
(I’d say within a year)
for the vaccinated.

Take that into account
when negotiating supply deals
for things like
masks for your employees.

And please support
mask wearing.

We likely only have
a year of this left.

Let’s ensure
everyone stays alive
and healthy.

A Useless Response Is A No Response

A couple weeks ago,
a politician
‘strongly recommended’
everyone wear masks indoors.

Medical experts
said that step was useless.
The average person
wouldn’t wear a mask
unless it was mandated.

The politician
isn’t a dumb a$$.
He KNEW recommending
that people wear masks
wouldn’t change anything.

He didn’t WANT to change anything.

But if he shared THAT truth,
the media and his opponents
would jump all over it.
He’d receive
re-election-crippling bad press.

So he took an action
that would have no impact
on anything
yet made it look like
he WAS taking action.

I’ve seen this happen
in business all the time.

Employees are leaving, for example,
due to their wages being sh*t.
Management, instead of increasing wages,
installs a suggestion box
in the break room.
It does nothing
but it looks like action
is being taken.

When the ‘solution’ to a problem
is clearly useless,
that leader doesn’t want
the problem to be solved.
The answer is ‘no.’