Heads Down And Working

When the world
becomes too much
of a tire fire
and I reach a point
where, emotionally,
I can’t handle
hearing about it,
I put my head down
and I work.

I throw myself
into business building.

I get sh*t done.

I work with focus.

I tune out the world
and I live the business.

That calms me.
It builds my confidence.
It makes me happy.

When I feel ready again,
I resurface
and I catch up.

Doers do.

When the world gets
too much for you
to take,
tune as much of it out
as possible
and do.

Get sh*t done.

Let People Have Fun Today

There’s a lot
of serious sh*t
happening in the world.

People are struggling

If it doesn’t
directly harm your business,
let people have fun today.

Ignore the employee
who arrived in costume
without permission.

Let employees play
the spooky music
in your store.

Give employees
some time
in the break room
to enjoy the treats
their coworker brought in.

Allow the non-service doggy
in costume
to enter the store.

Let everyone blow off some steam
and have some fun.

you can get back
to serious business.

Do You Have A Stress Release?

Building a business
can be extremely stressful.
Hell, the WORLD can be
extremely stressful.

To remain healthy,
we need to know
when we’re becoming stressed out.

My indication is
I start to hate everything.
A loved one’s indication
is he doesn’t sleep.
Another loved one over eats.

And we need
a way to release that stress.

I putter around the garden,
touching leaves
and watching the bees.
A loved one goes to the gym.
Another loved one
treats herself to a spa day.

Learning how to manage stress
is essential for our success
and for our health.

DO this for yourself.