People Rarely Change

One of my loved ones
creates drama and fights
wherever she goes.

She visited other loved ones
over the holidays.
There were fights and drama.

Some of those loved ones
were surprised.
The drama-creating loved one
was older.
They thought
she had changed.

People rarely
if ever change.

That employee
who isn’t concerned
about being on time?
They will
never be concerned
about being on time.
Plan around that.

That partner
who does everything
at the last minute?
They will continue
to do everything
at the last minute.
Plan around that also.

People rarely change.
Work with who they are
or don’t work with them
at all.

Leaders Are Stress Absorbers

A loved one has a new boss.
This loved one’s job
is already super stressful.
The new boss
is unnecessarily
adding to that stress.

Which means
the new boss isn’t doing
THEIR job.

One of our tasks
as leaders
(and business builders
ARE leaders)
is to absorb stress.

We clear that sh*t
out of the way
so our people don’t have
to worry about it.
They can concentrate
on doing their jobs
to the best
of their abilities.

Absorb the stress.
Relay only the emotions
your people need
to do their jobs.