Counting On Insurance Coverage

A buddy counted on
insurance covering
any lawsuits
his business experienced.

Then he lost
his insurance coverage.

Because his physical store is
situated in
a frequently flooded area.

He’s hustling to incorporate

It is a huge mess,
and every day
his business isn’t incorporated
is a day
when all his personal assets,
his personal home and pension,
are at risk.

Climate change
is slamming the insurance companies.
They are aggressively
canceling contracts.

We can’t count on insurance

Ensure the risks
to you
and your business
are covered
in some other way.

Will You Regret Not Doing This?

Starting a business
is extremely risky.
Businesses fail
all the time.

Some of your loved ones
will tell you
these harsh truths.
Again and again.

And you might have doubts.
You might be tempted
to put your plans on hold.

What I do
when faced with these kinds
of decisions
ask myself,
“At the end of my life,
will I regret not doing this?
Will I always wonder
what could have been?”

If the answer is “Yes”,
I figure out
how to minimize the downside,
how to limit
the potential damage,
and then I do it.

If the answer is “No”,
I don’t do it.
I wait for something,
for an opportunity
I WOULD regret not seizing.

Live life
with as few regrets
as possible.