Creating Holiday Spirit

We’re deep into
the holiday buying season
here in North America.

When we sell customers
we’re selling them
the possibility
of happiness.

That is MUCH easier
to do
if our salespeople
are happy.

How do we accomplish
while they are working long hours
and dealing with
quite a few customers?

Some retailers host contests.
Some bring in treats
for their salespeople.
Some post a joke every day.

They create a festive environment
for their salespeople,
knowing that mood
will be relayed
to customers.

Ensure your salespeople
are happy
this holiday season.

Happy salespeople
sell more products.

Renewals Are A Lot Of Work

A loved one,
a skilled salesperson,
signed a renewal
for a multi-million dollar contract.

He had worked on this renewal
since the previous contract
was signed.
There were multiple meetings
a week regarding it
for an entire year.

The contract could have easily
gone to competitors.
My salesperson loved one
fought hard
to keep the business.

He was paid no commission
on it.

His company’s policy
they only pay commission
on new business.

Contract renewals
are key to a company’s success
and they are HARD work.

Ensure your salespeople
are compensated
for them.