State The Obvious Truths

A new IPCC report
on climate change
released this week.

It was…hopeful.
The report said
we still have a shot
at sticking to 1.5C.

In other words,
it was complete

Anyone who is paying attention
to the state of the world
knows the situation is
very, VERY bad.

We see the natural disasters
all around us.
We note the crop failures
almost everywhere.

Not stating that
obvious truth
causes us
to distrust
everything in the report.

We also distrust the leaders
who are avoiding telling us
this truth.
We view them as
deliberately deceitful.

If there is an obvious truth,
state it.

We all know this truth
and stating it
will increase our trust.

Negotiated Projections Are Goals, Not Projections

The newest IPCC
(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
report released this week.

The projections
(including, for example,
the expected increase
in global temperatures)
this report presents
are negotiated.

They are negotiated with politicians
who do NOT want bad news shared
during their terms at office.

They are negotiated with business leaders
who, again, do NOT want bad news shared
while they are in those leadership positions.

Most significantly,
they are negotiated with fossil fuel companies
who do NOT want to change
their business models.
At all.

The bad news in
the IPCC report findings,
as a result,
will be EXTREMELY muted.

I dealt with this challenge
when I crafted projections
for new business development opportunities.

I would be told
“We need X return
for this opportunity to be approved.”

I would then reply
that having a target return
is great
but the inputs and the model
would determine the projected return.

I could negotiate inputs,
which would be outlined
in my reports,
but I wouldn’t be negotiating
the projected return.

Because negotiated returns
aren’t based on anything.
They aren’t supported
by the inputs or the model.

If leaders want to
‘negotiate’ projections,
they can make up those projections
on their own.
They don’t need to involve
or thousands of scientists.

Negotiated projections
aren’t trustworthy projections.
They are merely goals.