Give Yourself Treats

Yes, for many of us,
this is our busiest time.

And yes, it is tempting
to work 24/7
without breaks,
without rewards.

But we NEED rewards.
We need,
at the very least,
5 minute breaks.
We need sleep.

Or we’ll break down.
We’ll quit.
We’ll become ill.

Reward yourself today.

This could be a bowl of berries
a 5 minute walk outside
a nap
something else.

Rewards will keep you

Review Your Reason

You’ve been working
on your new business
for a while.

Your motivation
is starting to dissipate.
You’re losing

This is normal.
And it is a great time
to review
WHY you started
this business.

Look over
your notes
from the first few days
of start up.

Feel that passion.

You were excited
about the project

Remind yourself
And get excited about it

Review your reason
for starting your business.

How Often To Check Results

A loved one is losing weight.

She checks her weight
every day.

The trend is definitely down.
Most days, her weight decreases.

But on the rare days
it increases ever-so-slightly,
she loses all motivation
and is tempted
to give up.

I advised
that she check her weight
once a week,
instead of daily.

THAT number has always
been lower week after week.
She’ll stay motivated
and happy about her progress.

WHEN we check the results
can be key
to our project’s success.

If we only see progress
after a month,
check the results
after a month.

Time it correctly.

Have A Cheerleader

We all need a cheerleader.

The world is tough.
We often experience failures.
No projects run
There are speed bumps

And there are also
failure-predicting people

We have plenty of
The world needs
more cheerleaders.

Find someone
who will tell you
again and again
that you’ve got this.
You can do this.
You’re capable and hardworking
and you WILL create
your own good luck.

Turn to that person
when you need a pep talk.
Tell them exactly that
– you need positive vibes.
You need a cheerleader.
You need to hear
you can do this.

Remember to return
the favor.
Be their cheerleader also.

Find yourself a cheerleader.

Celebrate The Small Wins

I saw multiple bumblebees
in the small clover patch
I’ve been nurturing.

I celebrated that win.

I finally finished
a very challenging chapter one.

I celebrated that win.

We were told
the interest-free loan
covering our
solar power installation
has finally progressed
to the review stage.

We celebrated that win.

Yes, we talk about
celebrating the small wins
here on client k.

We need these reminders
because the rest of the world
does NOT celebrate them.

Often we focus
on all
we have yet to achieve
and not everything
we have achieved.

And we need to celebrate
the small wins
well…big wins
are usually a collection
of small wins.

Small wins can also
motivate us.
They show us
our plans are working.
We’re making progress.

celebrations create
a happier life.

Celebrate the small wins.

Track Your Progress

Many social media platforms
remind users
of what they posted
1, 3, 5, 10 years ago.

It shows people
how much or how little
they and their world
has changed.

I track my progress
I’ll look at stats
from 1 year or 2 or 10 ago.
And I wonder
at how much I’ve progressed
and how much I’ve learned.

I was a dumba$$
10 years ago.
I didn’t know
a fraction of
what I know now.

I’ve also published
close to 50 stories
in the past decade.
That’s a HUGE accomplishment
and it inspires me
to push forward.

Track your progress.
Use it for inspiration.