Everyone Wants Direct Links

If you send virtual promotional material
– a newsletter, a social media post,
an email
– give your prospects direct links
to your products
in their country-specific store.

Almost no one is going to
search for your product.

Many prospects are so accustomed
to receiving direct links
they don’t know HOW
to search for your product.

I receive emails from readers
in countries I sell very few books in
asking for direct links.

Yes, they prefer to email the writer
of a book
than to search for that book
at their online store.

Give your prospects
direct links.

Artificial Obsolescence

‘Influencers’ claim people
should change their bath towels
every two years
or they lose their effectiveness.

This is, of course,

I have rotated between
two bath towels
for well over two decades
and they remain ‘effective’
and soft.

The push to replace
bath towels after two years
is artificial obsolescence.

It is a marketing campaign
to sell more bath towels.

it works!

Most people I know
replace their bath towels
every two years.

Can you use
artificial obsolescence
to sell more
of your products?