How To Promote Yourself As A Helper

A book promoter reached out to me.
She told me
my covers were amazing
and asked what genres
I wrote in.

It was clearly
a mass reach out.
But the tactic
was extremely ineffective.

if my covers truly were
she shouldn’t need to ask
what genres
I wrote in.
That’s one of the goals
of a great cover.

And, as a book promoter,
she should know that.

Being a book promoter,
her job
is also to help a writer,
and decrease that writer’s workload.

Asking that writer questions
that could have been easily answered
by an Amazon search
isn’t decreasing that writer’s workload.
It is increasing it.

If your business seeks to help clients,
ensure your marketing helps them.
Or, at the very minimum,
doesn’t increase their workload.