Tell Someone They’re Doing A Good Job

If you want to
change a life today,
tell someone
they’re doing a good job.

That someone
could be the cashier
at the grocery store
the delivery person
handing you the package
you’ve been waiting for
the barista
making your coffee
for you
someone else.

Look them in the eye
and solemnly tell them,
“You’re doing a good job.
You know that,

Because odds are…
they DON’T know that,
they rarely, if ever,
they’re doing a good job,
and they NEED to hear it.

A good job
is very different
from a great job.

A great job
exceeds expectations
and should always be
commented on.

But a good job
is often sufficient.
And it deserves
from time to time also.

Tell someone
they’re doing a good job.

Deciding On Your Legacy

We decide our legacies.

We influence
how people remember us
when we’re here
on this Earth
and after we’re gone.

If you want to be
remembered fondly,
with joy,
with caring,
do the things
that leave that legacy.

Build more
than you destroy.
(And yes,
this includes building businesses.)

Love more
than you hate.

Give more
than you take.

Support more
than you punish.

Help more
than you hinder.

It is basic math.
Positive contributions > Negative contributions
= Being Missed After We’re Gone.

It is truly
THAT easy to leave
a wonderful legacy.