Take Action On Your 2024 Goals

It is 9 days
into 2024.

If you haven’t yet
taken action
on at least one of your goals,
do that today.

If it is a smaller goal,
completing it.

If it is a larger goal,
take the first step.

You set these goals
because they are important
to you.

Even if they are fun goals,
they are fun goals
you want to reach.

Take action on at least
one of those goals

Revisit Your Goals

We’re more than a month
into the new year.

The goals we’ve set
for 2022
are likely getting a little fuzzy.
We might not be
super excited about them now.

Take time to revisit them
Remind yourself
why you set those goals,
what the rewards will be
when you meet them,
why they excited you.

If you’re struggling
to meet those goals,
brainstorm with trusted friends
or advisors
creative ways to do that.
Change it up a bit.

If the goals no longer
make sense for you,
of course,
scratch them off
your list
but stick with the goals
that are still relevant,
still important to you.

Revisit your goals
for 2022.

A Scorekeeper Is Necessary

One of Greta Thunberg’s gifts
to the world
she is a carbon usage scorekeeper.

She regularly reports
(with help, of course)
how we are doing
what we promised to do.

Many politicians
and business owners
hate her for this.

Being a scorekeeper
is a much reviled job.
But it is necessary
if we want to achieve
our goals.

In business,
the scorekeeper job
is often held
by the finance folks
and yes,
they are also
hated for doing this task.

But they are part of the reason
businesses achieve their goals.

We all need a scorekeeper.
If you don’t have one,
assign the task
to someone.

And try
to shelter them
(or compensate them)
from the hatred.