Warning Is Caring

Most people don’t want to
be warned
about issues or danger.

They don’t like being warned
and they hate the warner
for warning them.

I know this
and I’ve reached
the stage of my life
where I keep my warnings
to myself

As long as it doesn’t
directly impact me,
I let people
do dumbness.

If I warn you,
it means I care about you.

It means I’m willing
to risk
the hate
so you aren’t harmed.

View warnings
as an expression of caring.

Missing Snow Crabs And Being Current In Your Industry

It was announced
that billions of snow crabs
have gone ‘missing’
causing the ‘harvest’
to be canceled
for the first time ever.

Coverage seems
to imply the disappearance
is a great mystery.

It isn’t a mystery
and it wasn’t a surprise.

The Canadian government
released a report
years ago
talking about how
snow crabs
(and eventually lobsters)
won’t be a viable industry
as the oceans warm
and become more acidic.

They suggested
businesses in the industry
look for alternative sources
of income.

Anyone who remained current
in the snow crab industry
(which includes restaurants serving
snow crabs,
the tiny tourist places
that sell
snow crab-themed products,
knew this day was coming.
They would have prepared
for it.

Ensure you or someone on your team
reads the reports
involving your industry.

That information
could save your business.