Not Believing In Reality

Every candidate
for a major US political party
stood up and said
climate change wasn’t real.

Much of the US
is on fire
or in severe drought
or under water.

A five year old
could tell you
something was wrong
with climate.

Sane leaders
know climate change is real also.

When leaders say
they ‘don’t believe’
an obvious problem
is ‘real’,
they’re saying
‘I don’t plan
to ever help you
with that problem’.

And often
the full message is
‘And I will likely make
that problem worse.’

Don’t expect help
from leaders
who refuse
to ‘believe’ in a problem.

We’re on our own
with those leaders.

COVID And Decision-Making

A business building buddy
told me yesterday
she was tired of
hearing about COVID.
She just wanted
it to be over.

Tough sh*t.
As business builders,
we don’t have
the luxury
to pretend it is over.

COVID isn’t over.
People continue
to die
and get sick
and develop permanent issues
(like brain damage)
from COVID
every dang day.

With everyone,
except the wealthy
and the powerful,
dropping precautions,
COVID is likely to be with us
for the rest of our lives.

The impacts on our businesses
will definitely remain.
COVID has changed the world

We have more prospects
and customers
using wheelchairs.

We have more prospects
and customers
requiring reminders
due to their COVID-caused
brain damage.

We have more employees
and partners
out sick
because COVID
is still here.

As business builders,
we NEED to continue
talking about COVID
and the impacts on
our businesses.

It is unfortunate
but it is reality.