Prepare For The Tough Times

A loved one
recently bought
a used pair of crutches.

He loves sports
and he plays them all out.
He has hurt himself
numerous times
in the past.

He figures
it is merely a matter of time
before he hurts himself

THIS time, he’ll be
better prepared.

Bad times
will come.
That is merely part
of doing business.

Do what you can do
to prepare for them.

How To Prepare For Best Case, Worst Case And Most Likely Scenarios

Yesterday, I talked about
how we should plan for
best case,
worst case,
most likely scenarios.

But, but, but…
we’re building businesses.
We don’t have the money
to prepare
for all these scenarios.

By prepare,
I mean plan.

We think about
what we might have to do
under the three scenarios.

We write down the things
we have to consider
and the steps we might take
to deal with those situations.

When the scenario happens,
we can then
immediately implement our plans.
We don’t have to think about it
in the panic
of the moment.
We put our plans in place.

THAT is when
we might have to spend some money.

Planning requires time
but it doesn’t often require money.

Plan for best case,
worst case
most likely scenarios.
Put the thinking into it now
so you can focus on implementing it later.

Preparing For Best AND Worst Case Scenarios

There’s a scuffle happening
right now
folks with
an optimistic view
of future climate change action
folks with
a pessimistic (doomer) view.

The thing is…
leaders should be listening
to BOTH views
and preparing action plans
based on BOTH scenarios.

As a project manager,
I usually craft
three scenarios
– Best Case,
Worst Case
Most Likely Case.

Then I prepare
are possible.

Will some of that preparation
not be utilized.
In the case of the worst case scenario,
f*ck, I hope so.

But if the worst case happens,
that preparation
could be the difference
between surviving and perishing.

Prepare for the best
the worst case scenarios.