Store It Correctly

A buddy of mine
loaded up on printer paper
during a local business’s
liquidation sale.

She knew she’d use
that paper…eventually.

And it was a great deal.

She then stored this paper
in her basement.

Her damp in the Spring

All of the paper
has been damaged so badly
it is unusable
in printers.

Invest in waterproof containers
and moisture absorbers
(oxygen absorbers
for things like food)
and other tools.

And place
your supplies and other items
in the best
storage location

Don’t destroy
your investment.

Store supplies
and other items correctly.

When The Backup Plan Fails

My area has
two major internet companies.

A few days ago,
my main internet company
wasn’t operational in my area.

So I tried to switch
to the second internet company.

It wasn’t operational
in my area either.

I continued checking
every couple of hours
but I soon accepted that
I was getting nothing done that day
that required the internet.

I completed offline tasks.

When your backup plan fails,
consider that it might be
a sign from the universe
you should focus on other things.

Complete other tasks
and try again tomorrow.

Prepare For The Tough Times

A loved one
recently bought
a used pair of crutches.

He loves sports
and he plays them all out.
He has hurt himself
numerous times
in the past.

He figures
it is merely a matter of time
before he hurts himself

THIS time, he’ll be
better prepared.

Bad times
will come.
That is merely part
of doing business.

Do what you can do
to prepare for them.

The Revival Of The Travel Agent

Four years ago,
many people declared
travel agencies to be
a dead business.

It was super easy
to book flights
and hotels
and other vacations
There was no need
to pay a middle person
to handle that.

In today’s environment
of climate change
and pandemics,
and strike actions,
that has all changed.

Many people would love
to pay extra
not to have to worry
about all of that.
They would pay
to have someone else
monitor situations
and quickly rebook travel
and accommodations.

The key words
there are quickly
and monitor.

But those two requirements
are made easier
with AI.
Alerts can be set up.
Alternatives can be offered.

Dead industries
aren’t always dead forever.

Consider basing a new business
on one of them.

Flexibility As A Selling Point

I talked about how
the world is challenged right now
and flexibility will be
key to success
going forward.

Flexibility will also
be a key selling point
for products/services
going forward.

It WILL influence
more and more buying decisions.

Flexibility could look like…

Offering cancellation insurance.

Making it easy for customers
to rebook services.

Allowing customers
to change delivery times.

Giving customers
a credit
when they cancel.

Allowing customers
to switch from pick up
to delivery.

Accommodating customers
with last minute bookings
or changes.

Flexibility WILL be
a selling point.

Can you factor flexibility
into your product or service?

Flexibility Will Be Key

A loved one and I
were planning to go on vacation

This vacation will likely
be postponed
due to a strike.

We’ll be okay financially
as we had planned
for a possible delay.

We had thought that delay
would be
climate change
or pandemic (COVID or the next one)

It was a strike,
something entirely different.

Flexibility will be key
to success
going forward.

Try to make your plans
as flexible as possible
try to increase
your customers’ flexibility
when using
your products/services.

Things happen.
They will continue
to happen.
Plan for that.

The Era Of Unpredictability

We usually have no snow
in my area
in April.


But these aren’t usual times.

Climate and other systems
are broken or breaking.

We had green grass in January,
which has never before now
We could receive snow
in June.

This unpredictability
will be seen
in almost all areas
of our lives
and businesses.

If we want to be successful,
especially long term,
we should prepare
for strange occurrences,
put systems in place
to deal with them,
and monitor our situations