Can You Finish This Project?

Even if I decide
to continue with
the Romance Novel business,
the business will change.

Right now,
I write series books.
It takes about 5 books
to complete an overall storyline.

That’s 2 years of publishing time.

With the way things are going
in the Romance Novel Industry,
I don’t know
if I would have 2 years
of publishing time.

I don’t know
if I could finish that project.

Not completing a project
is frustrating for everyone.

My readers would be angry.
I would be disappointed
in myself.
It would be a mess.

So, if the Romance Novel Business
I’ll write
standalone stories instead.
I’ll focus
on shorter projects.

Ensure you have the timeline
to complete
the projects you’re tackling.

If you don’t have the timeline,
focus on shorter projects.

If You Can’t Supply The Product…

I attended a workshop
during which
a book promo company
was begging authors
to use them.

So I tried to use them.

They sent me a rejection email,
told me they were fully booked
until October.

F*ck them.
F*ck them permanently.

Either their representative
was lying
she didn’t know
what that f*ck was happening
in her own company.

Either way,
I’m not interested
in working with them.

Don’t sell products
or services
you can’t supply.

You’ll lose that customer