One Month To Go

There is one month
until Christmas.

Many of us,
myself included,
do most of their sales
in this specific month.

That is exciting
but all the work
associated with those sales
can also be tiring.

Know that
this busy time lasts
for only a short time
and that short time
is almost over.

Know that
you can do this.

Know that
I’m cheering for you,
for all of us.

This is the home stretch.
We’ve got this!

Focus On One

The holiday season
can be hectic.
It can overwhelm
many business builders.

When I’m overwhelmed,
I focus
on one thing.

I focus on one task,
one customer,
one project.

When that one thing is tackled,
I celebrate that win.

I then tackle
the next task,
the next customer,
the next project.

Until I feel capable
of tackling multiple issues
at once.

Getting sh*t done,
even if it is one small thing,
calms me.
That win
rebuilds my confidence.

Which allows me to
tackle other sh*t.

Focus on one.