How To Use Your Power For Good

Leah Jeffries
has been receiving
a lot of hate
after being cast
in the new Percy Jackson TV Show.

Racists are justifying
these attacks,
saying Jeffries’ character
was white in the books
and she should be white
in the TV Show also.

The author of those books,
Rick Riordan
has very publicly
addressed this.

“You are judging
her appropriateness
for this role solely
and exclusively
on how she looks.
She is a Black girl playing someone
who was described in the books
as white.
Friends, that is racism.”

THIS is how
we use our power
for good.

We call others
on their bullsh*t.

And, as business builders,
we DO have power.

We influence
how our employees,
our partners,
our customers
treat other people.

Use that power
to make this world
a better place.