For Every Customer Contacting You…

I send my beloved Mom
a poinsettia
every November,
the start of
her holiday season.

Every October,
I have to email
the florist
to ask them if they are selling
that year
as there aren’t any yet listed
on their site.

They say, ‘Yes.’
I buy a random florist bundle
and ask them
to change the order
to a poinsettia.

Every year.

Which is fine
for me
because I know the florist has sold poinsettias
in the past.

But what about new customers,
customers who don’t know
they sell poinsettias?

What about customers
who don’t want to take on
the extra work
of contacting the florist?

I suspect THEY
don’t order the poinsettias
they contact another florist,
a florist who has poinsettias
displayed on their site.

And there ARE other customers
like me wanting poinsettias.

Because for every customer
contacting a business
about something,
there are dozens or hundreds
of customers
with the same issue.

If one customer contacts you
about an issue,
consider fixing that issue
for everyone.