The Cost Of Complete Certainty

Scientists have been warning
about increases in temperatures
due to climate change
and the impacts
that will have
on power grids
for years.

Some leaders
don’t ‘believe’ in climate change.
They claim to be 100% certain
it doesn’t exist.

So those leaders didn’t upgrade or modify
their power grids.
The grids, as predicted,
are going down
and people are dying.

THAT is the cost
of 100% certainty
– there’s a lack of preparation
if any other scenario happens.

If the leaders had been
90% certain
climate change
didn’t exist, for example,
they might have mitigated
the risk of the 10% scenario
and worked on the power grids.

There is a cost
to complete certainty
in this case,
complete denial.

If you’re 100% certain
about something,
consider the costs
of being wrong.

AI Will Change Everything

Last week,
I contacted customer service
at a huge company.

The entire interaction
was handled by that company’s AI.
The problem was resolved
without them having to employ
a single living person.

Every so often,
an ‘advancement’ comes along
that changes everything.

AI is one of those

It will obliviate the publishing industry,
as one example.
Publishers are already using AI
to write books,
edit books,
create audiobooks,
craft cover art
and perform other functions.

I’m preparing for a future
where writers,
including myself,
aren’t needed.
I’m building business plans
around that scenario.

You should be factoring in
the dominance of AI
into your business plans

AI WILL change everything.