You Should Admire Your Mentor’s Strategies

A buddy was complaining
about her mentor.

I asked her
if there was anything
she admired
about her mentor.

She struggled
to come up with an answer,
finally saying
her mentor was successful.

I then asked her
if she would want to achieve success
using her mentor’s strategies.

She admitted
she thought her mentor’s strategies
were unethical.

We are heavily influenced
by our mentors.
That’s one of the reasons
we partner with them.

Ensure you admire
your mentor’s strategies.

Those strategies
are likely to become

Do Your Research When Working With A Mentor

Having a mentor
while building a business
can mean
the difference
between success and failure.

But great mentors are rare.
They’re super busy.
They are in demand.
They want to work with people
who value their time.

How do we show them
we value their time?

By doing our f*cking research
before asking a question.

I usually frame the question
by saying
something like this,
“XYZ study says
books sell more copies
if titles are 3 words or less.
Is that your experience too?”

Then I sit back,
take notes.

My mentor knows
I’ve put work into my question.
She knows
I’m more likely
to act on her insights.
She feels valued.

Do your research
before asking your mentor
a question.