The Sweetie Block

If you’re female facing
and a male facing person
uses ‘sweetie’
when posting to your message
block that person.

Hell, save yourself
future trouble
block anyone
who uses ‘sweetie’ in that way
with any female facing person.

‘Sweetie’ is not only
and patronizing,
a means of belittling
you and your views,
but it is also
a dog whistle
to women haters everywhere.

By using it,
the person
is intentionally sending
a wave of hate
your way.
They are deliberately
trying to harm you.

The use of ‘sweetie’
is meant
to attract
more of those awful people
to your account
and to you.

You’ll be swamped
by hate
and you’ll have to manage that.

No one has time
for that sh*t.

View ‘sweetie’
as an automatic block.