Customer Service And Mask Wearing

I continue to wear masks
as I can’t afford to be ill.

Whenever I shop or dine out
or do anything,
I prefer to deal
with mask-wearing people.

I am, for example,
much more likely
to enter a store
if I see at least one person
wearing a mask.

Yes, there are scared
and angry people
who are set off
by people wearing masks.

But there are also
plenty of people
who prefer to deal with
mask wearers.

They feel mask wearers
are safer,
more inclusive,
more accepting people.

Consider having at the very least
one mask wearer on your staff
and then protect that person.

Let People Have Fun Today

There’s a lot
of serious sh*t
happening in the world.

People are struggling

If it doesn’t
directly harm your business,
let people have fun today.

Ignore the employee
who arrived in costume
without permission.

Let employees play
the spooky music
in your store.

Give employees
some time
in the break room
to enjoy the treats
their coworker brought in.

Allow the non-service doggy
in costume
to enter the store.

Let everyone blow off some steam
and have some fun.

you can get back
to serious business.

Recognize The Quiet Supporter

You likely have someone
on your team
who quietly works
and offers support
in various ways.

This could be
an employee,
a spouse,
a partner,
a customer.

They are always there
and they likely do things
to support you
that you don’t know about.

It is d@mn easy
to take them for granted.

Recognize them.

Recognize them
in a way
THEY would want
to be recognized.

You’re d@mn fortunate
to have them on your team.
Ensure they know that.