If A Company Messes Up Your Pay

You are a new employee
at a company.
Payroll messes up
and you don’t receive
your first paycheck.

What should you do?

Talk to Human Resources,
payroll AND your manager
and ask them to write you
a rush check.
This will likely be designated
as an advance.

This is normal practice
at many companies.
I would often be responsible
for hunting down signatures
for these rush checks.

It happens often
because mistakes happen often.
This is part of
working for humans.

If a company doesn’t agree
to do this,
consider it to be a red flag.
It means they don’t care
about their employees
and there is a likelihood
it will happen again.

If you are a business builder
and this happens
to one of your employees,
don’t wait for them
to approach you.
Write them an ‘advance’

You do NOT want to gain
the reputation
of not paying employees.
All vendors, suppliers
will be cautious
if that happens.

Write them an advance.
Preserve your reputation
and your relationship
with your employees.