Walking Away From Conversations

I recently posted
that we should end conversations
before they spin into vents.

Walking away from conversations
IS a way to end them
but it isn’t a way
to have conversations
in the future.

I know a writer
who never ends conversations.
She simply walks away physically
or virtually by not responding.

The first time
she did this to me,
I told myself
something came up.
She got busy.

The third time
she did this to me,
I decided
she didn’t value me.
When she contacts me now,
I end the conversation
as quickly as possible.

Think before
you walk away
from a conversation.

Categorized as Sales

Start At The Top Of The Funnel

A writing organization
I belong to
is discussing
how to have more writers of color
as finalists
in their contests.

They’re discussing judging
and aspects like that.
I asked how many writers of color
They didn’t know.

If there are no writers of color
it doesn’t matter about the judging.
They won’t have any writers of color
as finalists.

Sales is the same way.
If you have no one looking
at your products/services,
you’ll have no sales.
It doesn’t matter
how great the closer is.

When there’s an issue
with the bottom of a funnel,
start looking for reasons why
at the top of the funnel.

Categorized as Sales

Zuckerberg And Being Prepared

Mark Zuckerberg,
Founder of Facebook,
testified for two days
to Congress.

He was prepared.

He’d clearly thought
about the questions
that could be asked
and the answers
he should give.
Heck, he even knew
to bring his own seat cushion.

The people grilling him
didn’t seem to know
what Facebook did.

They had access
to the best research
in the country
and a staff to examine
that research
and explain it.
They merely didn’t bother
to do the work.

I wish I could say
I’ve never been in Congress’ place
but I have.
I’ve walked into sales calls
or less prepared than the competition.

And I didn’t get the sale.
I shouldn’t get the sale.
I didn’t put in the necessary work.

Be prepared
for your sales calls.

Categorized as Sales

Taking A Break From Customers

I’m honored to have
over 5,000 core readers
This is awesome.

But it isn’t all happiness.
With that number of readers,
there is always someone

Usually I can handle
the complaints
and handle them
with a smile.
I respond quickly,
deescalating the situations.

But sometimes I can’t.
I find myself getting snippy,
losing my patience.

So I walk away for a bit.
I turn off the feedback
(internet based)
and regain my calm.

I would rather be criticized
for a slow response
than a harsh response.

It is okay
to take a break
from your customers.
Not only is it okay.
Sometimes it is ESSENTIAL.

Categorized as Sales

Concentrate On Your Customer

Whenever I communicate
with readers (customers),
I put everything else aside
and concentrate
solely on that task.

I know when
a listener’s attention
is split.
I assume my readers
will know also.

Dwight Harfield,
President of
Listening Solutions,
in the March/April 2018
The Costco Connection,

“When it’s time
to take in information,
stop what you’re doing
and focus on that one thing.

We can only focus
on one thing
at a time.”

Give your customers
your entire attention.

Categorized as Sales

Sell To The Established Market First

When I first started
publishing my romance novels
(producing product),
I tried to sell to EVERYONE.
I would advertise on general sites.
I would try to get my books
placed in small businesses.
I would talk to random folks.

I sold next to nothing
and spent quite a bit
time and money.

Now, I sell to folks
I know like romance novels
(like the products I produce).
I really focus on people
who read in my niche.

The narrower the market is,
the more books I sell.

Once I have sold to
every romance reader
on the planet,
THEN and only then
will I look outside that market.

As Seth Godin

“Selling water
a thirsty person,
someone seeking enlightenment,
someone eager to move forward
—this is dramatically easier
and more satisfying
than first having to persuade someone
that they should actually care
about the difference
you’re trying to make.”

Sell to the established market
THEN sell to everyone else.

Categorized as Sales

Do Some Research

Every day, I receive
at least one message
from a fellow writer
who doesn’t know anything
about me
wants something from me.

I have a website
and a blog.
My books are all over
social media.
A search on Google
takes 5 seconds.
Writers don’t even
have to click on the links.
They will see what I write
from the search results.

They want me to help them
yet they won’t take
5 seconds to find out
who I am.

I HAVE tried to help
writers like this
in the past.
I found they tended to ask
a gazillion questions
and never take action.

So I no longer help
if they don’t know who I am.
It is my first ‘test’
to determine whether or not
they’ll use my time wisely.

Do some research
before you approach someone
– experts, potential customers,
possible business partners.
Show them that respect.

Categorized as Sales

You Made Me Promises, Promises

I see at least a post
a day
from new writers
that goes something like this…

“All of my friends, family members,
loved ones
said my book idea was GREAT.
They’d buy it if I wrote it.
I wrote it.
Why aren’t they buying it?”

I’ve seen this same thing
during my years in product development.
People will tell us
it was the best idea ever
and they couldn’t wait to buy it.
Then they didn’t.

As Seth Godin

“‘Would you’ questions
almost always fail
to evoke useful information.
That’s because people are nice,
and want to spare your feelings.
“Sure, if you built x, y and z,
then of course I’d consider buying it.””

Unless there’s a commitment
with that promise of a sale,
don’t count on it.

Categorized as Sales

Leaving The World A Better Place

I’ve talked about
how the average person
is selfish.
She only cares
about herself,
about her issues.

This is why
taking action
on big issues,
issues with consequences in the far future,
like the environment,
are such a hard sell.

The real problems
stemming from our actions
or lack of actions
will happen after we’re dead.
Our children
or grandchildren
or great-grandchildren
will have to deal with the fallout.

And the average person,
myself included,
isn’t thinking about
these people right now.
She is focused on herself.

Leaving the world
a better place
isn’t a great motivator.

If you want to motivate people
to take actions on these issues,
figure out a way to make it
have it affect THEM.

This might be as simple
as putting their names
on a plaque
for their loved ones to see.

If you’re selling the far future,
try to make the benefits
personal and immediate.

Categorized as Sales

What’s In It For Me?

The average person
is selfish.
I know I am.

If the first thing
a salesperson does
is talk about her product,
I tend to tune her out.

I’m not interested
in her products.
I’m interested
in finding solutions
for my problems.

If the salesperson
asks about me,
about my needs,
I’m fully engaged.

Seth Godin

“When someone acts
in a way that says,
“can I help you buy something?”
“can I help you achieve your goals?”
then we’re on our way.”

Make any sales pitches
about the person
you’re pitching to,
not your product or service.

Categorized as Sales