Drama-Loving People And Getting Sh*t Done

I have a loved one
who creates drama
wherever he goes.
He usually manufactures it.

And that drama
sucks all of the energy
out of a room.

There is no emotional space
for anything else.

I know this.
I accept this
about him.

And, when I have sh*t to do,
I avoid him.

I make excuses
not to take his calls
or spend time with him
until my work is done.

Drama-infused surroundings
might be exciting.
But they aren’t conducive
to getting things done.

Avoid them
and the people causing the drama
until you complete
your essential business building tasks.

Oh, and try
NOT to hire drama-causing people.

If you do need their skills,
isolate them
as much as possible
from your team.

If You Don’t Have Equity In A Business

A loved one
was telling me
he works long hours
at a business
and doesn’t get paid
for that overtime.

He said
that is what happens
when you start a business.

I asked him
if he had ownership
in the business.
Did he have a slice
of the equity?

He receives a base salary
and that’s it.
But ‘some day’,
he might be offered equity.

Some day
often doesn’t ever come.

he’s an employee.

He’s not starting
his own business.

He’s starting
someone else’s business.

And when you start
someone else’s business,
you should be paid fairly.

If you don’t have equity
in a business,
you aren’t that business’s owner.

Get compensated accordingly.

Wishing To Be Wrong But Preparing To Be Right

I hope to be wrong
about climate change
and about COVID.

Being wrong
is the best case scenario
and f*ck,
I want that best case scenario
to happen
so f*ckin’ bad.

But I’m preparing
to be right.

I’m preparing for food shortages.
I’m preparing for mass disability.
I’m preparing for floods.
I’m preparing not to have
the ability to write books
or expend a lot of energy
running the business.

If I’m wrong,
and I hope
I WILL be wrong,
I’ll have extra food.
I’ll have extra funds.
I’ll have a business
that almost runs itself.

There’s no significant downside
to preparing.
But there is a significant downside
to not preparing.

Hope to be wrong
regarding the dire predictions
but prepare to be right.

Recognize The Quiet Supporter

You likely have someone
on your team
who quietly works
and offers support
in various ways.

This could be
an employee,
a spouse,
a partner,
a customer.

They are always there
and they likely do things
to support you
that you don’t know about.

It is d@mn easy
to take them for granted.

Recognize them.

Recognize them
in a way
THEY would want
to be recognized.

You’re d@mn fortunate
to have them on your team.
Ensure they know that.

Ask Before Promoting Team Members

A charity I support
put me in charge
of a giving team
I was on.

They didn’t ask
if I wanted to be in charge.
They didn’t tell me
in advance what the responsibilities were.
they didn’t give me
an opportunity
to turn down the ‘promotion.’

I am now being bombarded
with admin tasks
and communications
for a role I don’t want.

And I am considering
walking away from this charity.

Discuss possible promotions
with candidates
before you assign
those new roles
to them.

Not everyone wants
the added responsibilities.

If Problems Go Away

A scientist posted
about how many people
think ignoring a problem
will make it magically go away.

That’s because
for many people
that is exactly what happens
…for them.

Someone else,
likely someone like you or me,
puts in the hard work
and fixes the problem.

All the other people
have to do
is mention it IS a problem
for them.

They complain to the manager.
(That manager might be the general internet
or their spouse
or some other person/entity.)

And that manager fixes it.

The challenge we’re seeing
right now
is there are a lot of problems
to fix
not enough people fixing problems.

If your problems
go away
without you having done anything
to fix them,
someone else is doing
that work.

don’t magically
fix themselves.

Learning History And Gaining Power

There’s a reason
certain leaders
don’t want people,
including kids,
learning the truth about history.

That’s because
it contains truths
about these leaders
and other people today.

For example,
there’s a ‘story’
floating around
that female empowerment
has stopped men
from protecting women.

If you’ve studied history,
you know
the average man
has never protected women.

When, for example,
a widow’s financial wellbeing
was placed
in the control of a man,
the widow 99% of the time
ended up
in absolute poverty.

By stopping women
from learning those facts,
they’re more likely to accept
the we-need-a-man-to-protect-us

And these men can then abuse women
financially and in other ways.

Learn history.
Teach others history.
Increase your odds
of success in life.

Help One Person A Day

When we run our own businesses
and can work hours
we decide to work,
people WILL take advantage
of that.

They will ask us
to pick up their kids
after school
or drive them to appointments
or do little tasks
that on their own
seem like nothing.

But multiplied
by everyone we know
and asked every day
suck all our time.

I help one person a day.

Many days, that’s it.
I don’t help more people
than that.

And some busy days,
I help by donating supplies
or cash
or helping to promote a promotion.

I tell the asker
of the favor
I can’t help
that I have to help someone else
that day.

Help people
but also protect your time.

Test Before Events

I test for COVID
before events.

I do this
because I don’t want
to get other people

I would feel horrible
about that.

Plus being the spreader
of illness and death
wouldn’t help my branding.
At all.

I also test
I know,
based on the numbers
that COVID
will be at the event
and people will become ill.

When that happens,
accusations will fly.

And I’ll have photo proof
I am less likely
to be the person
who spread the illness.

(Because I also mask
at events,
I get asked if I’m ill
and I can say
I tested that morning
and I was all clear.)

Consider testing
before events.

Giving Anonymously

I’m a big fan
of giving anonymously.

If I hear,
for example,
a kid needs a backpack
for school,
I’ll drop one off
on their doorstep
with a note
‘from the universe’
(or something like that).

I’ll ring the doorbell,
wait out of their view
and ensure they pick it up.

Because they can’t attribute
the gift
to one person,
they tend to attribute

That makes their world
a happier,
more generous place.

It also saves their pride.
And I don’t have to do
the ‘no, you take it,
I’m sure about it’

Consider giving