The Best Time To Delegate

The best time
to delegate tasks
is BEFORE we need
to delegate tasks.

It is VERY challenging
to delegate tasks
when we are super busy.


Because delegation,
at first,
sucks up more time.
We have to train the person
taking on the task.
We have to quality check
their work.
We have to assure them
they’re doing a great job
and answer their questions.

BEFORE you have to delegate.

Your future self
will thank you.

Project 2025 WILL Happen

This is the first time
many of us
will be functioning
under a Fascist Regime.

That is scary.
And we SHOULD be scared.

Some of us
won’t survive it.
Especially as we are
business builders
i.e. potential threats
to their leadership.

But the Fascists
in the US
have published
a to-do list for themselves,
an outline of
all the terrible things
they plan to do.

And that will make survival
a tiny bit easier.

The to-do list is called
Project 2025
and it is a lengthy 922 pages.

Higher ups
in the Fascist Regime
have confirmed
Project 2025 WILL happen.

They feel the election results
the US people approve of this plan.
And there is nothing and no one
to stop them.

(Anyone who does try to stop them
will likely disappear.)

If you want to survive,
study Project 2025.
There are great summaries
Read those first.

But also read
the entire 922 page document.

And then make plans.

(Canadians should do the same.
Because the Conservatives in Canada
plan to follow Project 2025 also.)

Your business is at stake.
But, more critically,
your LIFE is at stake.

Study Project 2025
and take it seriously.
It WILL happen.

Closing client k At The End Of The Month

My last post here
will go live
on November 30th.

I plan to take client k
completely down
at the end of January.

If I continue to post here,
I’ll post something
that will anger
the Fascists
soon to take power
in the US.

Fascists tend
to make people disappear.

I love sharing my insights
with business builders
but I’m not willing to f*ckin’ die
for that honor.

Plus I doubt
my insights will be very useful.

I’ve studied Fascism
I’ve never built a business
in that very unique environment.

And we know
that theory and practice
are NOT at all the same thing.

Everything ends eventually.
It is that time for client k.

History DOES Repeat

We, humans, do
the same sh*t over and over.

The path the US is on
right now,
for example?
It has been taken
hundreds of times
at least.

We can predict
what happens next.

Predicting what happens next
WILL benefit
and our growing businesses.
Knowing the next steps
allows us to prepare,
to survive,
to prosper.

Learn history.
Because it DOES repeat
and you SHOULD
be prepared.

Don’t be surprised
by predictable events.

Recalls And Informing Customers

With many regulatory controls
having been rolled back,
the number of product recalls
is increasing.

OUR business might rigorously
monitor quality.
But our suppliers likely
aren’t as protective of our customers.

That means
if we resell products
made by other companies
we use materials
made by other companies
in our own products,
we need a way
to inform customers
of recalls.

Costco is skilled
at doing this.

They track purchases
through membership numbers
and they will automatically
send emails or text messages
to members
that have purchased a recalled product.

This is all done by their systems.

Ensure any point of sale system
you purchase
has this notification ability also.

Recalls will increase.
Design your business
to easily handle them.

Other People’s Garbage

My neighbor rakes his leaves
and sends them
to the city
for composting.

I have expanded my garden
this year
and I know
I won’t have enough leaves
to cover it
over winter.

My soil would greatly benefit
from that natural fertilizer.

So I asked my neighbor
if I could rake
and keep his leaves.

He’s an older man
and was happy
to let me do that.

For me,
leaves are priceless
forms of fertilizer.
I would PAY for them.

For him,
they are a nuisance
and garbage.
He’s giving them away
for FREE.

THIS is the type of business
you ideally want to build
– one where the inputs
are seen as garbage,
as something to be
given away,
but can be turned
into a product
other people will happily pay for.

Look for that type of business.

Hobbies Don’t Have To Be Businesses

Hobbies don’t have
to be businesses.

We don’t have
to monetize
we do.

Some activities
can just be

You might think
this is a strange comment
to make
on a site
dedicated to building businesses.

But taking a hobby
and converting it
into a business
is a lot of work
that might not be worth
the effort and other resources

We are likely
better off
using those resources
to build businesses
that DIDN’T start as hobbies.

If you didn’t have that hobby,
would you still start a business
involving it?

If the answer is no,
think long and hard
before going that route.

Hobbies don’t have to be
and often SHOULDN’T be

The Leftover Halloween Candy

You stocked up
on Halloween candy,
both to give out to customers
and to give out to trick-or-treaters.

You didn’t give out
as much candy
as you expected to do.

Halloween is over.

What do you do
with the leftover candy?

You COULD continue
giving it to customers
but some of them
will view the candy
as being leftovers or ‘old’
and that isn’t something
you likely want associated
with your business.

I give our leftover candy
to the food bank.
Needy people enjoy treats also.
It makes them feel good.

And that puts more badly needed positivity
out into the world.

Change the world
or A world.
Donate your leftover Halloween candy.

Giving Out Treats

Today is Halloween.

Some of your customers
are likely to be
HUGE Halloween lovers
(like myself).

They will dress up
in costumes
or in orange and black
or in Halloween-themed shirts
to shop in your business.

They might dress their pets up.
They might bring their kids
in their costumes.

Ensure you have treats
to give them.

Hide them under the counter
if you wish
and bring them out
‘as a surprise.’

It will delight them.
It will delight others.
They are more likely
to show up in costume
next year.

AND it creates an ‘event’
for you.
It creates buzz.
It creates happiness.

Give the Halloween lovers
treats today.

Be A Secret Holder

Everyone needs someone
to tell
their secrets to.

If you’re that someone,
you are in a powerful position.

You can’t
tell anyone else
those secrets

If you do that,
no one will ever tell you
their secrets again.

But the secrets
can often benefit you.
You have insider information
no one else has.

Better than that,
you have that person’s trust.

Be a secret holder.