My Wish For You

This is my last post
on client k
after almost 20 years
of daily posts.

My wish for you
You keep learning.
You continue to look
for opportunities
to make the world a better place.
You try to make
your dreams a reality.
You find joy in every day
and in the work you are doing.

The world is changing
but it has always changed.

The opportunities remain.
Hope still exists.
There are kind and helpful people
all around you.

And I continue to cheer for you.
You can do this.
I believe in you.

Almost 2 Decades

I started blogging
for Jscott on RoadToForbes
in June 2005.

That’s dang close
to 20 years
of daily blogging
on that site
which eventually became
this site.

Those daily posts
helped me remain current.

They allowed me
to think through my thoughts
and better understand
the mechanics of business building.

And they gave me
a way
to pass along to others
a good chunk of the knowledge,
often not at all
politically correct,
I had gained
from a lifetime
in business.

I have NO regrets.
It has been an honor
and a privilege
and I would have done it all again
in a heartbeat.

Thank you.

The Future For k

I’m closing client k
my romance novel writing business
all my other blogs.

This will free up
a LOT of my time.

Doers do.

We aren’t sit on the couch
and watch TV
types of people.

You can bet
your startup funds
I will continue
to do.

In the short term,
I’ll be working on my plan
to deal with Project 2025.
(Closing client k was a step
in that plan.)

In the longer term,
I will likely start a new project.

I manage projects.
That’s who I am.

I suspect that’s
part of who
you are too.

And there are ALWAYS
projects that need to be managed.

Look for them.

Deliver On Your Promises

In a previous post,
I suggested
dedicated ‘fun’ times
with loved ones
scheduled after
the busy holiday season
is over.

This is ONLY effective
if we KEEP
our promises
and MAKE those precious appointments.

That ‘meeting’ with loved ones
is unbreakable.
Our building could be on fire
and we should still show up
at that appointment.

Because the moment
we break that promise,
our promises become worthless,
any future arrangements
mean nothing,
the trust is gone.

As it should be.

If we make arrangements
with loved ones,
we have to
KEEP those appointments.

We should treat our loved ones
as the priority they are.

Give Yourself Treats

Yes, for many of us,
this is our busiest time.

And yes, it is tempting
to work 24/7
without breaks,
without rewards.

But we NEED rewards.
We need,
at the very least,
5 minute breaks.
We need sleep.

Or we’ll break down.
We’ll quit.
We’ll become ill.

Reward yourself today.

This could be a bowl of berries
a 5 minute walk outside
a nap
something else.

Rewards will keep you

One Month To Go

There is one month
until Christmas.

Many of us,
myself included,
do most of their sales
in this specific month.

That is exciting
but all the work
associated with those sales
can also be tiring.

Know that
this busy time lasts
for only a short time
and that short time
is almost over.

Know that
you can do this.

Know that
I’m cheering for you,
for all of us.

This is the home stretch.
We’ve got this!

Haters Will Turn Their Hate On You…Eventually

I don’t respond to
and yes,
I get a LOT of them

I used to get
about 20 hate-filled messages
a day,
some of them death threats,
simply for posting
here on client k
(before I disabled
all contact information).

I don’t respond to haters.

They get off
from responses.
And if I don’t respond to them,
they usually go away
and bother someone else.

I certainly don’t try
to convert them
to fans or customers.

And I don’t try
to convert haters
of other bloggers or writers
or business people
to fans or customers.


Because haters hate.
That’s what they LOVE to do
– spread misery and negativity.
And eventually
they will turn that hate on me.

Ain’t nobody got time
for that sh*t.

If someone tells you,
they hate something,
walk…no, RUN far away
from them.

You don’t want to
be around them.

While The Program Exists

I got my first dose
of a shingles vaccine

If I had waited
for over a decade,
the cost would have been

But I don’t think
the medical system
will be functioning fully
in over a decade.

I paid the money
and got the first dose

Don’t assume
programs and systems
will be around forever.

Use them now
if they benefit you
or your business
at all.

Pulling Yourself Up By The Bootstraps

That saying
– Pull yourself up
by the bootstraps?

That originally refers
to an impossible feat.

A person literally CAN’T
pull themselves up
by the bootstraps.
That isn’t possible.

We can’t pull
ourselves up
by our bootstraps
figuratively either.

We need help.
We all need help.

All successful people
have had help,
whether they admit
that truth
or not.

So ask for help.
ACCEPT help.

There’s no shame
in it.
And it is the ONLY way
we’ll be successful.

The Quiet Signs Of Expertise

I met someone lately
who had very rough hands
and short fingernails.

I asked her
if she was a gardener.

She was surprised
I knew that.

Most dedicated gardeners
I know
have very rough hands
and short fingernails.
Those are signs
of dedication
to that role.

A food lover buddy
tells me
when he sees an immaculate home kitchen
with worn and/or stained
kitchen towels,
he knows someone in that home
loves to cook or bake.

There are often
quiet signs of expertise.

Know them.
Look for them.
Don’t be ashamed
if you sport them.