When You Change

If I write outside
a certain reader favorite series,
my new stories
receive a flood of 1 star reviews
on release day.

Some readers think
if they 1 star my stories
in the new series,
I will return to the
reader favorite series
and focus all my efforts there.

(I’m perverse
so their 1 starring actually does
the opposite.
It pushes me to write more stories
in the new series.)

They are punishing me
for trying something new.

Some people don’t like it
when we change.

They don’t care
if we change for the better,
if the change makes us happier
or healthier.

Because their grievance isn’t about us.

It is about them,
about the effort they have to
put in
to adjust to the new us.

Well… f*ck them.
Focus on YOUR happiness,
YOUR version of success.

Make the changes
you want to make
and ignore the resisters.