Women HAVE Progressed

It can be frustrating
as hell,
as a woman,
to watch the discrimination
and hear about the abuse
we’re still enduring.

It might feel like
we haven’t progressed
at all,
as though the situation is hopeless.
Some of us
(points to myself)
have wanted to burn the Earth
to the ground
at various times
during this last year.
(I wish that was a joke.)

But there HAS been a change.

When Serena Williams
talked about discrimination,
men supported her.

When a certain high profile
sexual abuse victim
talked about her experience,
men supported her also.

This is a small
but noteworthy difference.
We now have advocates
outside of our group.
Some men ARE listening,
ARE believing us.

That gives me hope.
Hope is necessary
to build businesses
and change the world.

All is not lost.
Continue to fight the good fight.