The Luck Test

On St. Patrick’s Day,
I often think about luck.

This year, I’m thinking about
how some people
don’t believe in luck.

I often ‘test’ a prospective customer’s stance
on good fortune
by weaving
“Some people would say
we’re lucky”
into the conversation.

If they respond
by saying something like
“But it isn’t luck.
We worked hard for” X,
I know
the sales tactic
to take with them.

I stress
the product/service
I want to sell them.

I also know
they will have higher expectations
for that product/service.
They feel they worked hard
to earn it.
They want the product/service
to do for them
what it had promised.

People who don’t believe
in luck
usually believe
they worked
for everything they received.

Acknowledge that
and position
your product/service
as a well-earned reward.