Sabotage By Loved Ones

I told a loved one’s mother
that her son
was extremely busy
with a project
for the next month
he had to focus on it.
It was a make or break
for his career.
He couldn’t take on
any other tasks
during that time.

My loved one’s mother
tried to assign my loved one
a huge task
later in

The task wasn’t time sensitive
although she insisted it was
(with no rational reasons given).
And she applied
significant guilt
to try to convince him
to agree to it.
(He didn’t agree to it.)

Loved ones
sometimes sabotage us.

The sabotage usually
has nothing to do with us.
It is a projection
of their own issues,
worries or fears.

But it CAN f*ck us up.

Know that loved ones
can do this.
Watch for sabotage attempts.
Eliminate those destructive actions.
Don’t allow them to derail
your plans.