Change, Evolution And Survival

The entities
– businesses, species, other –
that survive
over time
They evolve to shifting conditions.
They adapt to changes
in their environment.

This HAS to happen
or these changing environments
render them obsolete.
They go extinct.

What we’re seeing now
in the world
is more and more
people refusing to change.

They are refusing to adapt
to a changing climate.
They are refusing to
change their behavior
to survive a pandemic.

They are clinging to the past
and, if enough people do that,
humans WILL become extinct.

Business builders like you and I
are actively fighting that.
We are encouraging people
to change a little bit,
to try our new businesses.

And if they change that little bit,
they might change a little bit more.
That might make the difference
between the survival
and the extinction
of our species.

You’re adding value
to the world
with your new business.
Never doubt that.